Unit Frames

Cell + Cell Unit Frameshttps://pastebin.com/K5U9uHS3
Import the Cell profile in the About tab.
Ensure you have installed the Cell and Cell Unit Frames addons. Use Cell Unit Frames in place of another addon like SUF.
KUI Nameplateshttps://pastebin.com/Mf2H9bXE
To import the KUI settings, use /knp import.

Generic WeakAuras & Exports

Base WoW Edit Modehttps://pastebin.com/Bk7ig6Gk
Method Raid Tools Profilehttps://pastebin.com/mN1aApP1
Mouseover Action Settingshttps://pastebin.com/CRxxEmwn
BigWigs Profilehttps://pastebin.com/5VneZPst
OmniCD Profilehttps://pastebin.com/gbEKkse6
Details Profilehttps://pastebin.com/8e3rBfM6
Combat Timerhttps://pastebin.com/TTnhchqM
Character Statshttps://wago.io/VkWLcEO6M/3

M+ Helpers

DK Death Strike/RP Trackerhttps://wago.io/HB9w4VJBW
M+ Timerhttps://wago.io/M+Timer
Dungeon RIO and Classeshttps://wago.io/klC4qqHaF
M+ Targetted Spells, DF S3https://wago.io/_0klhzHfB

Class WeakAuras

Luxthos' Class WeakAurashttps://www.luxthos.com/
Dibs on PIhttps://wago.io/f5SA1p-ye


Jak UI Diagram 2023


1. Details! (Streamer Plugin)https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/details

2. Exorsus Raid Tools (Fight Timer, Cooldown Tracker, Battle Rez Tracker, Raid Notes) https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/exorsus-raid-tools

3. Cell Unit Frames - https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/cell-unit-frames.

4. Cell - https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/cell

5. Details! - https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/details

6. SexyMaps - https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/sexymap

7. Raid Warnings - BigWigs

FrameColor - https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/framecolor-hud-action-bar-color


Not pictured:

Dungeon Warnings: LittleWigs

Bag Addon: Baganator

Circular Keybind Addon: OPie 

Keystone Addon: Angry Keystones 

Raid Loot Addon: RC Loot Council

Nameplates: KUINameplates

Others: MouseoverActionSettings | MoveAny



WeakAuras are useful for tracking of buffs, debuffs, and specific events in an encounter.  

8. Luxthos' Priest WeakAuras - https://wago.io/BJu2WDqBX.  Also styles available for other healing classes.

9. Combat Timer - https://pastebin.com/TTnhchqM