10.0 Dragonflight Holy Priest Guide! AoE or ST? Raids and Mythic+!Play Video

10.0 Dragonflight Holy Priest Guide! AoE or ST? Raids and Mythic+!

Our Dragonflight guide for Holy Priest is READY with everything you need to prepare yourself for Vault of the Incarnates and Season 1 of Dragonflight Mythic+ with the Thundering Affix!

Holy Priest has two primary raid builds this tier, allowing you to alternate between AoE heavy healing or Single-Target triage at will. We go over both of these builds, when to use them and how!

0:00 Intro
0:42 ST vs AoE
2:15 AoE Talents
7:12 ST Raid Talents
8:51 Raid Gameplay
12:14 M+ Talents
15:50 M+ Gameplay

For talent hashes, check my guides! wowhead.com/holy-priest-guide

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