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Holy Paladin Is SO BACK

Holy Paladin received major changes in the War Within Beta today with substantial talent changes and the removal of Glimmer and Daybreak! In this video we dive into the latest changes for the War Within healers and War Within Beta covering Holy Pally and what it might mean for the future of the spec.

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State of Beta Healer List - How READY Is Your Spec For Release

The War Within Beta is under and I have played every healer and every hero talent combo so far. In this video we look at each healer as it stands on Beta right now and how prepared each spec is for release later this summer!

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Blizzard's Healing Philosophy

The Latest War Within Interview with Wowhead touches on defensive abilities and healing philosophy for the War Within and their response to questions about Defensive Power Creep and healer strength!

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Beta Healer Tuning - Holy Paladin Buffs and MW/RDruid Nerfs

The Latest War Within Tuning notes are here and there have been multiple changes to Holy Paladin, Restoration Druid and Mistweaver Monk in particular! We go over these updates and all healer notes thusfar in the War Within Beta!

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War Within Healer Trinkets First Impressions

The War Within Beta is live and I have tested every trinket for healers in both raid and mythic+! In this video we review the various options for healer trinkets, their strengths, weaknesses and how they feel!

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War Within Healer Tier Sets: How Strong is YOUR Set?

Click this link and use my code AUTOMATICJAK to get 25% off your first payment for That’s 25% your first month or your first year, depending on the subscription you choose.

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