Season 3 Mythic+ Will Be HARD
After testing multiple weeks of 10.2 Season 3 Mythic+ on the PTR I think that this incoming season might be one of the hardest yet!
Watch videoWill Healing Improve in Season 3?
10.2 brings BIG changes to healing in Dragonflight, but will it actually make a difference? We explore the incoming changes to damage, health and encounters and whether or not Dragonflight healing will be FUN!
Watch videoAre Healers Strong or Weak?
10.2 adds MORE new changes to healers in an attempt to make healing fun again! In this video we break down how we got here in Dragonflight, what would happen if Blizzard did NOTHING, and how encounter designers challenge healers!
Watch video10.2 Disc, Resto Buffs and Mistweaver Survivability is HUGE??
10.2's latest patch notes for Season 3 features buffs to Disc Priest, Resto Druid and Mistweaver along with some limited spell nerfs!
Watch video10.2 Discipline Priest's Ongoing REVAMP!
10.2 Disc Priest's redesign continues with new talent updates and changes to our gameplay. We break down how the spec is feeling so far in Season 3 so far in Dragonflight and how the spec feels so far.
Watch video10.2 PTR How does Mistweaver feel so far?
10.2 Mistweaver Monk Gameplay, Feedback and Thoughts on where the spec stands after the latest round of updates to the healer in Dragonflight Season 3.
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